By accepting this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that you have been informed about the processing of your personal data and that you consent to the use of your personal data as described herein.
This Privacy Policy sets out the terms and conditions for the use of personal data shared by BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ (“Data Controller”) by users/members/visitors (“Data Subject”) of the website/mobile application operated by BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ LTD. ŞTİ. (“Site”)/Mobile application during the operation of the Site/Mobile application.
What Data Do We Process?
The personal data processed by BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ has been categorized in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law (“Law”) as follows. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the term “personal data” in this Privacy Policy will include the information listed below under the terms and conditions set out in this Privacy Policy.
✓ Location Information: Specific or approximate location information about your location, such as GPS data, obtained while using BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ services.
✓ Transaction Security Information: Login credential information, password information.
✓ Marketing Information: Reports and evaluations showing your habits and preferences, targeting information, cookie records, etc.
✓ Request/Complaint Management Information: Your requests and complaints made through the Site, along with your comments shared on the site.
✓ Risk Management Information: IP address data that have been anonymized in accordance with Articles 3 and 7 of the Law will not be considered personal data and processing activities related to such data will be carried out without being subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy. For information on whether your data is being processed, please refer to BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ Personal Data Processing and Protection Policy (KVK Policy).
What is the Purpose of Using Your Data?
Your personal data shared with BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ may be processed for the purpose of enabling you to benefit from the services provided on the Site or through the Mobile application, registering your membership on the Site, making updates to your membership record, improving the services provided by BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ and the services provided through the Site, introducing new services and making the necessary notifications and implementations to you in this regard, ensuring the legal and commercial security of the parties in a business relationship with BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ, making the necessary notifications to you in this regard and fulfilling the obligations arising from the nature of these activities.
Such personal information may be used to communicate with you or improve your experience on the Site or through the Mobile application (such as managing the communication process, conducting satisfaction surveys, etc.), and may also be used for internal reporting and business development activities, for various statistical evaluations and for creating a database without disclosing your identity. Such information may be processed by BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ for profiling and analysis purposes, stored, shared with third parties, and used to communicate with you for notifications regarding various applications, products, and services introduction, maintenance, and support activities. BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ, in line with articles 5 and 8 of the Law and/or exceptions in the relevant legislation, may process and share personal data as Data Subject without obtaining your separate consent.
Some of these situations are listed below:
✓ Clearly stipulated by laws.
✓ Necessary for the protection of the life or physical integrity of the person or someone else who cannot disclose their consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is legally invalid.
✓ Necessary for the establishment or performance of a contract directly related to the Data Subject and BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ.
✓ Necessary for BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ to fulfill their legal obligations.
✓ Disclosed publicly by the Data Subject.
✓ Necessary for the establishment, use, or protection of a right.
✓ Necessary for the legitimate interests of BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the Data Subject.
As mentioned above, BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ may use cookies and share them with third parties only to the extent required by the analysis services provided by third parties. Technical communication files are small text files sent by the Site to the Data Subject’s browser to be stored in the main memory. Technical communication files facilitate the use of the Site by storing status and preference settings for a website. Technical communication files are designed to obtain statistical information about the use of websites, such as how many people use them over time, how many times a person visits a website, and for how long they stay, and to assist in generating dynamic advertising and content from specially designed user pages, for the benefit of users. Technical communication files are not intended to retrieve any other personal data from the main memory. Most browsers are designed to accept technical communication files by default, but users can change their browser settings at any time to prevent the delivery of technical communication files or to receive a warning when technical communication files are sent.
Who Can Access Your Data?
BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ may transfer your personal data and new data obtained using your personal data to restaurants to achieve the purposes stated under this Privacy Policy. Anonymized or limited data transfer may be made to our business partners, service providers, and third parties who benefit from their services. Approval may also be obtained in such cases.
BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ may share your information with third parties such as external service providers, hosting service providers, law firms, and those who send e-mails and SMS messages for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy in order to enhance your user experience (including improvement and personalization), ensure your security, detect fraudulent or unauthorized use, conduct operational evaluation research, resolve errors related to Site services, and achieve any of the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy.
As a Data Subject, you acknowledge and accept that the aforementioned third parties may store your personal data on their servers anywhere in the world, limited to the aforementioned purposes.
As a Data Subject, you undertake to provide full, accurate, and up-to-date information concerning the information subject to this Privacy Policy, and to update such information immediately in the event of any changes. BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ shall not be liable for any failure to provide updated information. As a Data Subject, you acknowledge and declare that if you make a request resulting in any of your personal data being unavailable for use by BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ, you may not be able to fully benefit from the operation of the Site or Mobile application, and any liability arising from such situation shall be yours.
How Long Do We Keep Your Data?
The personal data you share with BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ is kept for the period required for the purposes stated under this Privacy Policy and for the statute of limitations periods specified in the relevant legislation. In addition, your personal data may be stored in a limited manner for the purpose of making the necessary defenses in case of any dispute that may arise between you and BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ.
How Do We Ensure the Security of Your Data?
BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ takes the necessary technical and administrative measures, considering costs and minimum security level requirements, to ensure the protection of personal data against unlawful processing, unauthorized access, and to ensure retention of personal data. BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ also does not disclose the personal data obtained from you to others contrary to this Privacy Policy and the Law on Protection of Personal Data and does not use them for purposes other than processing. If links to other applications are provided through the Site, BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ shall not be responsible for the privacy policies and content of those applications and suggests you review their texts.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is published from time to time by BATI BULVAR AĞIZ VE DİŞ SAĞLIĞI POLİKLİNİĞİ, and it will be updated by